Sharing the Good News about Jesus Christ

Sharing Jesus’ Love, Transforming Lives

Restoring The Nations Ministries, Inc is a Christian ministry led by Larry Welch. Based in Lubbock, Texas, our mission is to share vital Biblical teachings and help individuals personally encounter Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. Through our outreach, we aim to spread His message and presence with all who hunger and thirst for Him.

Restoring The Nations Ministries, Inc is a 501 (c) (3), tax deductible, charitable, Christian ministry.

Statement of Faith:

1.  Scripture:

     The Bible is the inspired Word of God, a revelation from God to man.


     There is one God, eternally existent in three persons:  The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

3Fall of Man:

     Man was created in God’s image and for fellowship with Him.  Through Adam and Eve’s sin, fellowship was broken, and sin, disease, corruption, and death entered into the world, and have been passed to all mankind.  Jesus has appeared to restore man back to God.

4Jesus Christ, the Son of God:

     Jesus is both God and man, eternally existent with the Father and Holy Spirit, and through whom all things were created.  He was born in His human body through the Virgin Mary, led a sinless life, shed His blood at Calvary as a vicarious and atoning death (for salvation, physical healing, restoring fellowship with God, and eventually total redemption of the body), died, was resurrected, ascended to the right hand of the Father, intercedes for man, sends His revelation and works to us by the person and power of the Holy Spirit, and will return to this physical earth to reign in glory and power.

5The Person of the Holy Spirit:

     He is also God, active on the earth today.  The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgment.  He indwells all new believers at salvation. He discloses and reveals the Father and the Son, bringing fellowship, revelation, and the power of the Father and Son to us here on the earth as He expresses the Kingdom of God. 


     Salvation is received by repentance, and surrendering one’s self and life to the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  It is a gift from God, received from above, purchased by the shed blood of Jesus Christ’s atoning death, and when received, the Holy Spirit comes to indwell the new believer and brings the revelation of Jesus Christ within.

7.  Water Baptism:

     Water baptism is an ordinance given in the Bible whereby after a new believer receives Jesus as his Savior and is born-again, he is then immersed in water as an outward public sign of what Jesus has done for him on the inside.  The believer is demonstrating his desire for a death to his old life, and arising to walk in newness of life and follow Jesus Christ.

8.  The Baptism of the Holy Spirit:

     Jesus baptizes believers in the Holy Spirit. This immersion in the Holy Spirit, coming upon and filling them, endues the believer with power to be a witness for Jesus in the world.  The Holy Spirit brings revelation of God, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and prophetic revelation.  He empowers believers to live in fellowship with God in a dynamic, living, overcoming, supernaturally empowered Christian life.

9.  The Kingdom of God expressed on earth:  

     Christianity is a lifestyle of living and walking in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit here on earth, expanding the Kingdom of God:

     Your kingdom come.  Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Matt 6:10

     For the kingdom of God does not consist in words, but in power.  1 Cor 4:20

    And my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.  1 Cor 2:4-5

    For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.  Rom 1:16

10. Return of Jesus Christ:     

We believe in the bodily, personal, second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the believers, the millennial reign of Jesus on earth from Jerusalem, and the final judgment.  The final judgment will determine the eternal states of both the believers and the unbelievers, determined by their relationship to Jesus Christ.  The believers will be resurrected to eternal life, and restored to living with God; the unbelievers will be resurrected to eternal punishment and separation from God.