A letter of welcome from Larry and Becky,

Jesus saves, heals, sets-free, and empowers with His Holy Spirit

Jesus is the Living Savior.  He is the one and only Son of God, alive and accessible right here, right now.  You can meet Him, grow in knowing Him, and walk with Him in this lifetime.

It is our sinful, fallen, human nature that separates us from meeting and knowing the true, holy, living God.  But the good news is that Jesus Christ, by sacrificially laying down His divine life, and shedding His holy blood on the cross, has the power to remove this sin barrier and restore us back into a personal relationship with God whereby we can know Him.

God is alive.  He is knowable, and He is accessible.  Jesus Christ is the doorway.

For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all… 1 Timothy 2:5-6

And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12

I know this to be true because it happened to me, and I met Jesus Christ in the most miraculous of encounters over a two day period in the summer of 1979.  I have now walked with Him on this journey through life for 55 years at the time of this writing.  My lifetime of experience, observation and study has affirmed to me that the Bible is absolutely and stunningly true.  Jesus can be experienced; He is alive and is real.

Please do not leave this lifetime without discovering this Truth for yourself.  This is the most important decision and discovery that you will ever make.

Where will you be 1,000 years into the future?  You will be in one of two places.  You will either be living eternally with God in His incredible, glorious presence because you chose to live with Him here in this lifetime on earth, or you will be living eternally apart and separated from God in a place of judgment that you chose because you chose to live apart from God during this earthly lifetime also.

This website and ministry are dedicated to sharing this vital life-saving information with you.

Our desire is to help you meet Him, grow in knowing Him, and be forever changed and set upon a life’s journey to walk with Him in this lifetime and into eternity.


Larry & Becky Welch,

Restoring the Nations Ministries